Monkey-Mind vs. Monk-Mind
There are two ways to live our lives.
One of them is to look outward and focus on what we have no control over. This leads to blame, frustration, and often a feeling of powerlessness. We lose our center and become irritated. We don’t really know who we are; we do not know our strength.
This is what the meditation masters call the monkey mind.
The other way is to look within and focus on the only thing we can control: our minds, the way we see things, the stories we tell ourselves, and what we focus on. This makes us feel like we have more control over our lives; more centered, more powerful, and more substantive.
I like to mention this the monk spirit.
The monkey mind is anxious, restless, and distracted. The monk mind is calm, centered, and focused.
The monkey mind seeks happiness in external things: money, fame, beauty, and status. The monk mind knows that happiness is something you cultivate within yourself – it seeks growth, contribution, connection.
When the monkey mind is not feeling well, it tries to solve the situation by numbing itself through unhealthy habits, by jumping from branch to branch, or by working on the symptoms of the problem, for example through medication.
The monk mind rarely feels unwell; but if it does, it knows it just needs to let something go, or change something within itself. It works at the root: the mind.
The self-transformation process
We were all born with a monkey mind, so it’s not your fault.
But you now have a unique opportunity: to learn how control your mindand so control your life. To transform yourself. To go from a monkey mind to a monk mind. And for that, meditation is the key.
TSMA is here to support your journey calming the monkey so you can unlock his powers. I’m here to help you turn your mind into your best friend, instead of your enemy. This opens the door to a new life for you.
The easiest way to start on this path is to join my ongoing meditation program, Boundless life. It has everything you need to:
- build one daily meditation exercise
- find the best technique for you
- transform yourself by applying the superpowers of meditation in your daily life.
So click on the orange button below to become a member immediately.
Don’t let the monkey mind distract you, make you procrastinate, or “think about it.” It can tell you that you can’t meditate, that this isn’t for you, that you’re not good enough. Nonsense!
Meditation is for you! You can do this, and the sooner you start, the better.
Now it’s up to you: do you want to live with the monkey mind, or with the monk mind?